For public sector

HRM and payroll for municipalities and organisations

Automated payroll and smart HR administration for a simpler workday.

Employ, manage, engage, and develop your people

Automate your payroll administration and reduce the time spent on manual control calculations and other routine work.

Automated payroll 

Automate your payroll administration and reduce time spent on manual control calculations and other routine work

Mass registration of salary transactions within the same salary group

General organisation information added automatically

Integrations with relevant solutions

Smart HR administration 

Enjoy a cost-efficient employee experience by digitalising the employee lifecycle, from onboarding to exit.

Quick reporting and approval 

Connect all HR processes

Digital signature

A simpler workday

Create a simpler workday where both employees and managers always have the information they need.

Self-service for all roles

Simple registration of holidays and absences

Easy access on mobile and web

Explore more solutions for your organisation

Learn about our
school administration solutions

Public Sector