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Sticos Descartes

Sticos Descartes is an online auditing and methodology program used by auditors.



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Sticos AS,NO

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Sticos AS,NO

Terms of Service

Type URL to other terms

Last updated: Oct 22, 2024

Hosting provider(s)

[{"company":"Microsoft Azure","location":"EU/EEA","country":"","countries":[],"webpage":"","certifications":[],"categoriesOfPersonalData":["Personal Data"]}]

Data processors 

[{"vendor":"Twilio","location":"Country with adequacy decision","country":"United States","countries":["United States"],"categoriesOfPersonalData":["Personal Data"],"description":null,"purpose":"Email","vismaRoles":["Data Processor"]},{"vendor":"Visma Software AS","location":"EU/EEA","country":"","countries":[],"categoriesOfPersonalData":["Personal Data"],"description":null,"purpose":"Support","vismaRoles":["Data Processor"]},{"vendor":"InMoment","location":"EU/EEA","country":"","countries":[],"categoriesOfPersonalData":["Personal Data"],"description":null,"purpose":"Customer Experience","vismaRoles":["Data Controller"]},{"vendor":"Microsoft Azure, Application Insights","location":"EU/EEA","country":"","countries":[],"categoriesOfPersonalData":["Personal Data"],"description":null,"purpose":"Monitoring","vismaRoles":["Data Controller"]},{"vendor":"Visma Software International AS","location":"EU/EEA","country":"","countries":[],"categoriesOfPersonalData":["Personal Data"],"description":null,"purpose":"Logon through Visma Connect","vismaRoles":["Data Processor"]}]

Certificates and audit assurance reports

[{"owner":"Visma AS,NO","scope":["VCDM : ISO 27001 and ISAE 3402 Type II"],"webpage":""}]


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[{"owner":"Visma AS,NO","scope":["VCDM : ISO 27001 and ISAE 3402 Type II"],"webpage":""}]
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